Grayson Millwood


We will meet and play, observe and respond, move and challenge, through exercises that take your mind away from yourself, and bring it firmly to someone else. We will not exist in a bubble. Our goal is to deepen a connection, or at least make others believe that is what we are doing.

Very much looking forward to joining the team at the Corner again this year, and to the relaxed and unpretentious style of the festival that leaves space for some real connections. Grayson Millwood


Right now Grayson is in Australia working together with Gavin Webber to make The Farm all that it can be. Previously, Grayson has worked in over 50 countries creating and performing in theatre, dance, opera, installation and film. He has worked with choreographers such as Nasser Martin-Gousset, Benoit La chambre, Joachim Schloermer, Meryl Tankard, Constanza Macras and Sasha Waltz (with whom he continues to work with) as well as video artists, Julian Rosefeldt, Eve Sussman and Janet Cardiff.

Photo: selfie